Wednesday, February 16, 2011


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  When most people procrastinate, they tend to find an excuse or a way out of something that they do not want to do. Finding an excuse is a sign of denial of a person putting a certain thing off. Finding an excuse for something can make a person feel better about not being able to finish a certain project ahead of time. In order to not get behind and procrastinate, students need to get their academic obligations out of the way before it is too late. However, it is understandable for a much occupied student who may be involved in sports, work, or any other school sponsored activity; it becomes very easy to find an excuse for putting things off. When a student gets involved in sports in particular, they are tired more often and usually tell themselves that they are too tired to do the work right now and that they can do it when they have more energy. Most of the time though, students do not get back to doing the work until it is due the next day. The best thing for a student athlete to do here is to take a quick nap, and then get started on the work.

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