Monday, April 11, 2011

No Homework

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One who procrastinates will be extremely reluctant to start something boring and challenging such as homework. As a student, I can assure you that motivating yourself to homework can be very difficult indeed. It always seems to be a nuisance. However, what we do not realize is that homework can actually be a lot easy than we think. It really only takes a couple minutes to an hour of your time and then after that you are done. That feeling of accomplishment will leave you in a very happy mood. But unfortunately, most college students tend to take the easy way out of things and decide that they will do it later after they watch television or something like that. This type of attitude can result in bad habits and can cause students to get behind in school forcing themselves to cram. Some students decide not to do homework at all saying that it is not worth their time. The no homework attitude can greatly affect your grades in a negative way. This act of not doing homework can also form bad habits and can lead to students not doing projects or other more important activities that have a higher influence on your GPA.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


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Many people procrastinate based on if they are around their friends. Friends can have many positive and negative influences on students. For instance, let’s say you are chilling with your friends and you tell them that you have to finish some homework. They may convince you that you can do it later and that they may be doing something really cool at the time.  While even though these may be your good friends, you will have to be able to tell them that you can hang out later when you finish your homework. On the other hand, it is possible that your friends can even help you out with your school work. Having friends like this can be very beneficial for you because it allows you to seek help from your peers and still maintain a well balanced friendship.  Friends can have a lot of influence over a person in both a positive and negative way, but in the end it is up to that person to be able to tell their friends that they have homework to do or that they need help with it. Procrastination can be caused by a lot of outside factors  but the only thing you should be concerned with is what is on the inside.


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Many people procrastinate based on if they are around their friends. Friends can have many positive and negative influences on students. For instance, let’s say you are chilling with your friends and you tell them that you have to finish some homework. They may convince you that you can do it later and that they may be doing something really cool at the time.  While even though these may be your good friends, you will have to be able to tell them that you can hang out later when you finish your homework. On the other hand, it is possible that your friends can even help you out with your school work. Having friends like this can be very beneficial for you because it allows you to seek help from your peers and still maintain a well balanced friendship.  Friends can have a lot of influence over a person in both a positive and negative way, but in the end it is up to that person to be able to tell their friends that they have homework to do or that they need help with it. Procrastination can be caused by a lot of outside factors  but the only thing you should be concerned with is what is on the inside.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

A Certain Disorder


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ADHD acdc logo by deskofbrian is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.

Procrastination has been linked as a symptom to a disorder called ADHD (Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder). It is hard to get over procrastination without any disorder but it is even harder for people with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. A recent study has shown that adults with attention deficit disorder have a much higher chance of procrastinating than other normal adults. People with this disorder have a very difficult time concentrating on tasks, especially tasks that are difficult. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder sufferers can be easily distracted by even the smallest of things, and this makes it extremely easy to put important things off. Adults and children with ADHD are often described as having troubles with completing tasks on time and organizing.  They are often easily stresses, impatient, and short tempered. All these symptoms are not at all helpful when they are trying to complete a difficult task. There has been research supporting the thought that the diagnosis of frequent delays while trying to complete a task. Unfortunately, there is not a lot of research in the strategies in dealing with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder patient’s procrastination. Hopefully there will be more help assisted to ADHD patients in the near future.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


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  When most people procrastinate, they tend to find an excuse or a way out of something that they do not want to do. Finding an excuse is a sign of denial of a person putting a certain thing off. Finding an excuse for something can make a person feel better about not being able to finish a certain project ahead of time. In order to not get behind and procrastinate, students need to get their academic obligations out of the way before it is too late. However, it is understandable for a much occupied student who may be involved in sports, work, or any other school sponsored activity; it becomes very easy to find an excuse for putting things off. When a student gets involved in sports in particular, they are tired more often and usually tell themselves that they are too tired to do the work right now and that they can do it when they have more energy. Most of the time though, students do not get back to doing the work until it is due the next day. The best thing for a student athlete to do here is to take a quick nap, and then get started on the work.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

I will do it later

A common phrase amongst most college students today is “I’ll do it later!” This growing habit of putting things off until the last moment can really hurt a student who is trying to succeed. In today’s electronic and technological world, there are so many distractions that can deter a student from their studies. While there still are a larger number of people who are able to prioritize and finish projects well before the due date, I unfortunately am a procrastinator. I don’t procrastinate too bad, but I do not know why I put things off. A big reason could be that I am easily distracted and everything seems more interesting than doing homework. I have a feeling that several other students feel the same way and just have short attention spans. There is also the case of students just trying to put it off simply because they don’t want to do it yet. These students think that the work may be too hard and that they do not fell like working on it at the moment. Unfortunately, they keep saying this and saying this, until the project is due in an hour. You may want to do it later, but force yourself to do it now.

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Tapping a pencil by Rennett Stowe is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License.